Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 41 - USA Tour - Mitchell, SD

Overnight: Mitchell, SD
"Take Shelter" Day

We had fully intended to shove off today and head to Pierre, SD--the capitol. But, in the middle of the night, the wind took on a mighty heave-ho.

We watched the weather and the winds were going to be 20-40 MPH (with higher gusts) until early Sunday morning. So, we hunkered down today.

I ventured outside long enough to poke my head out the door and proclaimed to Dave that I had "gone outside." Of course, he wasn't buying it.

I worked on the blog, put my Jacobus Family History book together, transcribed my notes from our various ancestry treks, and cleaned up a bit more.

Nothing exciting to report today. So, I'll not bore you with details of a boring day. For sure, we'll be out of here on Sunday!

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