Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 147 to Day 152 - USA Tour - Cropwell, AL

Overnight: Cropwell, AL (near Birmingham)
R&R and RV Maintenance

Well, we have been here an entire week. We camped here because we need to get some maintenance and light repair work done on the RV before we head for home.

Mike, the repairman, was here on Sunday, Oct. 12, to evaluate our needs. He arranged to have most of the repairs covered under our extended warranty.

While we waited for parts, we had plenty of time to just relax and enjoy the view of the lake, shop, play Canasta, knit, read, visit with other campers, and talk to the birds.

Most of the repairs were completed today (Friday, Oct. 17). It rained mostly all day, so there was one repair Mike could not complete. He'll be here early tomorrow (Saturday) to complete that last one. Then, we are homeward bound.

We are anxious to get home and hug the pets and kids. It is Tina's birthday tomorrow, so we are glad we will be home to celebrate with her--especially because LD is out on the road and cannot be home for the occasion.

What an incredible trek this has been. It was the dream of our lifetime to wonder about this great country of ours. And, God willing, we were able to do just that. We have seen such awesome beauty and experienced wonderful people and places along the way. We have had the opportunity to retrace our families' heritages, revisit relatives and friends, and we have made a few new friends along the way.

I thank those who have kept up with us through our blog (our last entry will be after we arrive home safe and sound), prayed for our safe journey, and a few of you who have put up with us as visitors along the way. God bless each of you--keep safe, happy, and healthy.

Your friends,
Dave and Pam

P.S. Our next extended trek will be Summer 2009. We plan to root out the sights on the east coast from Georgia to Nova Scotia. I'll let you know when we are off and running!

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