Overnight: Oklahoma City, OK (OKC)
We rose about 7:30 AM and found it to be quite cold and slightly breezy here in Amarillo. However, the wind was not as bad as it had been the previous day. We had not hooked up the car to Homey-Roamy the night before, so preparing to leave took a little longer. Poor Dave was out in the cold breeze hooking up the car and disconnecting the water and electric. I felt so bad for him, but, of course, not bad enough to get out there myself! As you can see by the picture, he was unaffected by the cold! HA HA
When we were ready to leave, the park was finally ready to hoist the Pole Man and his platform and paraphernalia atop the billboard. So, we had to wait and watch that activity.
Our drive to Oklahoma City was uneventful. We stopped a few times to get gas and to stretch our legs.
We arrived at 4:30 PM and settled in to the Twin Fountains RV Park. It’s a beautiful, well-kept park. There are trees at every site. The freeway is right behind us, but it’s more of a dull noise than a bother. After we got all set up, Dave put out our chairs on the patio and we enjoyed the warm sunshine and woodsie atmosphere.
Again, we had no luck with the WiFi that the campground hosts state works VERY well. Our experience is that it comes and goes, and mostly it’s gone. So we think we’ll head out to Best Buy today and see if there is some kind of booster that we can get to attach to our laptop that might help. I’m not sure if it’s truly our laptop, or just our luck to get spots that seem to be blocked from great reception. We did find out in Amarillo when the technician came to work on the laptop that we had a “b” version of the wireless card and not the more recent “g” version; so that could be our problem. Maybe an internal upgrade is possible as well. But, I’d rather go with an external booster as it would be a quicker fix and could be used with another laptop, should we buy a new one.
I cooked spaghetti and we settled in to watch TV. While we are here, there’s a few things we’d like to see. The weather is clear, but cold, today. Tomorrow will be cold and raining in the morning. But, the rest of the week is supposed to be warm and sunny.
We hate that we are going to miss the very first Easter Sunrise service on our church’s newly purchased land. So, we’ll keep the congregation in our prayers and just wish we were there.
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